Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hey guys!! I know I've been away far too long!. Cold, flu, runny nose and sore throat for 2 weeks straight after a long fabulous holiday in LA make it impossible!! And to write a 50 pages final year thesis in Japanese doesn't help either!! Bear with me gentle readers!! I'm holding on to whatever pieces left on me right now. =D

Butt =).. I've got an email from my old friend Prince Azim (*lol. Not from Brunei.) who happened to visit my blog. He was kind of casually sending me the photoshop-ed photo of me. What he did was just changed the background so it looks more spacious, presentable and I quote 'grand' <---ok I get it. Surprised surprised I kinda like it too!!

So now I have to add another entry to absurdly long list of my 2009 New Year resolutions. To learn the art of Photoshop!! I know. I'm like what?? Engineering undergraduate student with no skills of all?? It's killing me to even think about it!! =D Welcome to 21st century to me!

Fellow blogger. Can you share with me what software do you use to edit all photos in your blog?? Is it more..simple than photoshop?? or is it better than photoshop? Leave a comment y'all!!


1 comment:

Endoru said...

Yeah, you had been quiet. Photoshop's still the best choice for sophisticated toiling and I personally find Fireworks easier to handle compared to Photoshop. More intuitive so to say. That's my two cent. Cheers.